There are so many cool things about technology, one of them is filters for photos. I don't mean adding kitty-cat ears or face tattoos... I mean smoothing lines and looking glamorous!
The Glam Booth - Beauty Filter
What can we say... other than this filter is stunning. It will make you and your guests look like a million bucks (though you already did, it's more for your less fortunate friends and relatives). Made popular by a family of influencers who are always using filters, this allow your and your guests to really capture amazing photos.
Creating an Aesthetic
The glam filter / glam booth allows you to control how all the photos coming out of your photo booth look. So if you only want black & white glam filter photos... that's all you'll get (print & digital). If you want color and glam filter, we can do that too. Or you can let your guests decide and choose if they want color or black & white, or both!
Duck face and Good Side
The glam filter enhances every part of the photo's aesthetic, so when your friends find their good side and pucker up those duck lips, they'll be so excited to see the results, share the results and keep the results for years to come.
We can't be selective
Probably the biggest limitation of the filter is that it makes everyone look great, so we can't make everyone except your evil cousin look great. Same goes for the Best Man's current (this month) girlfriend who already looks way too good and could really be knocked down a notch or two!